Dana Meller as Nine-O
Robert Townsend as Scoop
Erica Amato George Miserlis Taviz Danz
L to R -Jill Townsend, Robert Townsend,
Jefferly Llyle Segal, Terrence Atkins, and Dana Meller
as as as
Roxy Rusty Brad
Terrence Atkins David Holmes as Nails
Stan Chandler (Vocal Dir.) with harmonious ensemble extrordiaire featuring Scott Dreier, Julie Dixon Jackson,
Kirsten Chandler, and Kim Huber.
Lindsey Mixon as Bessie
TA, JLS, and Susan Grace as Mabel
TA, Matthew Rocheleau as Floyd, JLS
(somebody looks tired...)
David Gordon as Frank
Not pictured but forever appreciated: Stuart Ambrose, Elise Dewsberry, Yoli Tolentinio , Linea Dinkin.
Every performer on our demo, whether singing a lead or blending into the ensemble, has either performed on Broadway or in a regional theater. Jeff and I thank them for their talent and time. Special thanks to Gavin Atkins, Lindsey Mixon, Pat Atkins, Charlotte Segal, Ken Charlson, Ross Kalling, Lewis Welkenfeld, & NMI.
Recorded at:
Lemon Merengue Studios, Los Feliz, CA - Sebastian Libero, Engineer
Winslow Court Studios, Hollywood, CA - Craig Adams, Engineer
Daphne Chen on the theramin